Vote For Dennis Linthicum
For Secretary of State
“As your Next Secretary of State, I Will Hold State Agencies Accountable.”

Rigorous and Accurate Audits

Due Process for All

Election Integrity

What oregon Deserves
Passion. Focus. Drive.
A recent audit of Oregon’s agencies revealed $2.9 billion in errors and unaccounted spending. We can and must do better! As Secretary of State, I will ensure the audit process is executed with forensic precision and timeliness. My goal will be to hold agencies accountable and prevent the misallocation of your hard-earned tax dollars.
Oregonians deserve the right to speak freely without fear of censorship. However, our current Secretary of State has implemented a “Misinformation, Disinformation, and Malinformation (MDM)” software system that threatens this constitutional right. We must safeguard free speech and ensure that due process is upheld for all.
Oregon’s elections have not proven trustworthy according to recent rankings. As a former State Senator, I know firsthand which election laws in Oregon need to be fortified to ensure safe, secure, and inclusive elections for all.
Help Hold oregon accountable
We Will win with your help!

Meet Dennis Linthicum
Our Upcoming Campaign Stops
August 2022
Gun Owners Unite Against Commies
Nam sit amet faucibus nunc. Fusce tristique commodo purus id hendrerit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque sit amet tortor sed tortor congue imperdiet ut sit amet magna. Quisque id viverra leo.
Sept 2022
Economic Development Done right - By Republicans
Nam sit amet faucibus nunc. Fusce tristique commodo purus id hendrerit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque sit amet tortor sed tortor congue imperdiet ut sit amet magna. Quisque id viverra leo.
Oct 2022
Meet Me in Bend
Nam sit amet faucibus nunc. Fusce tristique commodo purus id hendrerit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque sit amet tortor sed tortor congue imperdiet ut sit amet magna. Quisque id viverra leo.
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