
Linthicum has what is needed for Secretary of State

Our candidate for Senate District 28 must have solid family values, have demonstrated strong social and fiscal conservative philosophies, be willing to fulfill his oath to uphold the Constitution, be a forceful speaker and good writer, and above all, must be willing to speak out effectively for the rural values our constituents hold dear. Dennis Linthicum possesses all these attributes and more.

Our candidate for Secretary of State must have solid family values, have demonstrated strong social and fiscal conservative philosophies, be willing to fulfill his oath to uphold the Constitution, be a forceful speaker and good writer, and above all, must be willing to speak out effectively for the rural values our constituents hold dear. Dennis Linthicum possesses all these attributes and more.

Dennis, with his wife of 44 years Diane, has lived a deeply religious social and fiscal conservative rural lifestyle while raising their two kids. Their children are happily married, gainfully employed college graduates.

As Klamath County commissioner and State Senator Dennis demonstrated his willingness and ability to politically develop those social, fiscal, and conservative values. He worked hard to limit and prioritize county spending, and slow the encroachment of state and federal government regulation and control.

Dennis is a consensus builder who knows how to negotiate and to get things done while consistently refusing to undermine the constitutional values that we hold dear.

Dennis takes his oath to uphold the Constitution seriously. He will continue to protect and advocate for freedom of speech and the right to assemble, freedom of religion, private property and irrigation rights, our Second Amendment rights for self-protection, and the Tenth Amendment rights for states to self-govern.

Dennis is an outstanding speaker who has written tons of contemporary political essays. We are confident he will make an outstanding State Officer. Join us in voting for Dennis Linthicum for Secretary of State.

Gus DeVries, 
Klamath County